Whitens your skin, clears away impurities, stains ALPHA ARBUTIN, ESSENTIAL OIL, KOJIC ACIDS, VIT A E
Concentrated super lightening Alpha arbutin bleaches rejuvenates softening stains removes wrinkles dark eczema nourishes perfectly hydrate protects.
Made with glutathione, collagen, vitamin C, Q10 and concentrated fruity acids this serum evenly whitens skin tone while blocking the epidermic biosynthesis of pigmentation. Stimulates cell regeneration and delays the skin aging process. Intensively moisturizes the skin. Effectively lightens dark spots, acne spots, freckles, age spots, dark areas, blemishes and other discolorations.
Add into your lotion for maximum effect.
No matter your skin type or your age, there's one complexion annoyance that tends not to discriminate: dark spots. Whether the result of a bit too much time spent in the sun or the unwelcome, lingering reminder of breakouts past, hyperpigmentation can be one of the most difficult skin concerns to correct. It takes time. It takes patience. And it takes the right ingredients. Vitamin C and hydroquinone are most often regarded as the go-to brightening agents in skin-care treatments. But recently, the dermatological world has turned to another dark spot obliterator: Arbutin (also often referred to on ingredient lists as "Alpha-Arbutin"). Allow us to introduce you to the complexion-brightening miracle worker that you're going to want to work it into your skin-care routine ASAP
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